I can’t believe my first year of PhD is done. It is like a dream. I still remember, so clearly, the day that I got admitted and the day I finally accepted the offer from UT. It was a hard decision because I was concerned of the ranking of UT and my funding situation, but my AMAZING advisors and other faculty members made me believe that it is the right decision. It turns out it is.

I heard, and saw lots of people suffer from their PhD study, and was afraid I would be like that one day. However, I’m afraid I’m the lucky one. Until today, my heart is full of gratefulness, happiness, and hope.

First year was busy, absolutely. I was in a stage where I had no idea what a PhD student should do. Should I think of my own research idea, or my advisor will give me one? What courses should I take? What the heck is dissertaion? Should I attend any conferences? Can I collaborate with people outside my institution? All those questions were around me, and I explored. Well, technically I just observe what other PhD students do, and communicate with my advisors regularly. Now I’m proud to say that I am clear about what I’m doing, and what I will do in the near future. It is a big progress.

This year, outside the coursework, I have been pretty occupied. I had my own research projects going on, worked on my assistantship, and also actively seeked collaboration with other scholars. I learned what research is through getting my own research ideas off the ground step by step, under supervision and guidance by my advisors. It was, overwhelming. The good news is, I met all good folks who supported me so much. My projects are all going smoothly. I really appreciate all the help I received, and will pass the support to other people who might need help as well.

Outside academic life, my personal life was also fabulous in the past year. I met so many great friends here, and have been a part of the Chinese student community here. We were together for lots of nights, weekends, breaks. I feel like home, and they are my family. My life was full of laughter, love, and warm. My international friends taught me so many things that I didn’t know before. I feel like I have known so little about this world. I kept practicing instruments, kept reading, and kept working out. I had a regular life routine. Surprisingly, I never felt angry, upset, or aggrieved in the past year. Never cried, just felt calm and happy. I love the people here so much.

I can’t imagine what a better PhD life looks like. I’m living my best life. Thanks for everyone I have met, and everything happened.